Friday, 24 August 2018


Today I happened to be round for the sunrise and sunset. Nothing spectacular today but just showing the views from the eastern beach for the sunrise and from the house site for the sunset.

Otherwise, things that have happened... Well, we got a fair bit of rain and collected about 300 litres in the barrels. We also got to have a shower in the rain although it took a while to rinse off but it wasn't TOO cold and at least it was refreshing.

We went fishing again and Mandy caught a little bitty fish, whereas I caught nothing. We also went snorkeling, which we haven't had much chance to do. Found some wonderful new coral beds but I neglected to take any photos.

We have the fridge and freezer going now so that's made the variety of food available a bit more interesting.

Most of our time is spent continuing to clear the house site, which is tediously slow.

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