We've had a break in the trade winds for a couple of days so have managed to get the solar panels, freezer, tools, fencing materials and even a couple of the 200mm x 4.8m house poles over to the island.
We met some lovely Irish folk travelling the South Pacific who called in, curious about the poles we were moving. They have a few able-bodied lads aboard and are going to pop out tomorrow morning to haul the posts up to the house site. That will save a lot of pain winching them up. We'll have to duck back to the mainland first thing and grab the other two poles to make the most of their hospitality.
Other than that we just have 30 sheets of plywood, mattress, a door and about 30 4.8m lengths of 150x50 framing left to bring over. It's looking likely we'll make our deadline with 3 more raft trips in the coming days, weather permitting.
I saw my first local owl today... big birds. Unfortunately I found it dead in the well. We've been using rain water for the last week but we're down to about 50 litres so unless we get rain soon we'll need to clean out the well again. Well, we were going to clean it out again anyway, but that's a bit gross.
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