Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Malolo has landed

Good progress today. We paddled frantically over to meet the container at short notice. The duct tape on the kayak largely remained watertight today so minimal bailing was required. We got our boat, wheel barrow, spade, shovel, etc. and then towed the kayak back to Tapana Island. That should be the last we need to deal with that kayak. We have named the boat Malolo and adopted that for our vhf callsign. It means rest or retire, not that we will get to do that for a while.

We cleared a patch of bush for the tent this afternoon. The vines here make that pretty hard work as they can hold a tree up even after you've chopped through it.

Mandy started digging a longdrop and we used some of the soil from that to level the ground. The tent should go up tomorrow and we'll have our first night on the new block.

Great news just when we got back home. Immigration needs to see our marriage license, and although we don't have that with us, at least it means they haven't lost our Visa application. I'm sure we can get a copy somehow. It's been four months without any news so it's great to know something is actually happening!

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