Saturday, 14 July 2018


A loo may not seem worth mentioning but it's a big deal for us. Sure it may benefit from some privacy enhancements yet but it's doing the job.

Today we collected some bamboo to make a frame for temporary water collection with a tarpaulin, and we also started clearing some bush and vines to make space for a permanent utilities shed for water collection and solar panels. We need to get the shed built in the next few weeks because the container needs to be returned soon.

We had our first shower in a few days now that we have our water filter in full operation. We can make about 30 litres a day, and it does indeed make a fine cup of tea, although we're still buying water for drinking. Hopefully we'll get to collect some rain in the coming days because hauling it from town is a pita.

We also got to try baked food for the first time since we arrived. Everywhere we have been has just had a gas hobb, so an oven is great. Tonight we're having kumala, corned beef, onions with coconut cream, a Tongan delicacy.

(I can't believe my life has come to the point where I am blogging about what I am having for dinner. I'm so sad.)

1 comment:

  1. You guys have been very busy indeed, its starting to look like someone lives there not just a jungle.
    Love reading what you guys get up to.
    How is Spy doing in the heat, Tyler wants to know if Spy has got any of those big crabs.
    The Barrons
