I'm not sure if I mentioned it but when I was in Tongatapu for surgery I bought a car and brought it back home on the ferry. That was a miserable 24 hours with the ferry rolling around and my recently stitched belly rolling around with it. There are only a few seats on the ferry in an overly air conditioned room that is freezing cold, and smells of stale cigarettes and vomit. Most people just lie outside on the deck, usually with a cardboard box for comfort and to stake their claim. You can't walk anywhere without stepping over and on other people but everyone is miserable and forgiving. The few sheltered spots are fiercely guarded and bequeathed to family and friends when vacated so unless you get on the ferry first you are doomed to freeze on the deck or in the vomit chiller. I was totally unprepared but strangely so was everyone else. I had a pillow with me that I had taken to hospital (yes, you take your own sheets, pillow, loo paper, food etc. but the hospital care is exceptionally cheap and New Zealand could learn something there!). My pillow was coveted by many jealous eyes.
As it turns out the only car I could find that didn't have a huge Palangi tax on it belonged to the taxi driver who was taking me around town to look at cars. There was nothing worth buying but in the end he sold me his Lexus for a very fair price. Turns out it's the best car I've ever owned although it's a bit thirstier than what I would usually buy.
Here's the car when we carried some "security mesh" out to the beach (faka Tonga). Flash aye?
I had hoped this would free us from the need to arrange trips into town with the neighbour but for now that is still a work in progress as she still has no boat of her own and no likely prospects. Very few boats are available for sale. Judging from the way Tongans load their boats to the gunwales with people they mostly end up on the bottom of the ocean.
Around Christmas the neighbours were kicked off their land by angry locals who decided they owned the land despite the lease agreement. They had to move to the little Cabana that they usually rent out to tourists. It took the Governor and police to step in to prevent the locals from setting boats adrift as they had threatened. They did cut the moorings, chop down all the fencing and put up signs that purportedly say "no trespassing" in Tongan. As it stands the only access to the Cabana is by ladder up a cliff face, despite laws much like our Queen's Chain allowing access along the beach, but they are REALLY angry. It's going to court in a few months. They followed us around to our side of the island in their big fishing boat to check we didn't dare step onto anywhere they considered theirs but we lost them on a patch of shallow coral and they returned to the other side. We haven't seen them since but we're told they are due back this month so that could be a bit of drama.
The fibreoptic cable to Tonga was cut in three places just over two weeks ago; two cuts on the link to Fiji and one cut on the line to Vava'u. We've been in cyber darkness until last night and I nearly went mad. Obviously the main link to Fiji was a priority for Tongatapu so we've had to wait a while. There was a satellite link set up by Digicel so I got a Digicel sim card, but we really don't get Digicel on this side of the island so I had to walk over to the other side to get a decent signal. Even so the link was massively over-contended so it was not possible to load any web pages, get email, or pretty much anything at all. All I was able to do was get some short text messages out through Viber. The only person I know with Viber outside Tonga was Sam but he kindly relayed some messages for me and we even got Radio New Zealand to add some weather forecasts to their Pacific shortwave broadcasts so we knew what the weather was going to do. Thanks!
At this stage the cause of the cuts to the fibre is unknown but they are not ruling out sabotage. I hope they got it off their chest; that sucked. Anyway, we're alive!
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